
Good morning…

“Do you realize that sometimes your words (actually God’s) speak in ways so far beyond the original intent?” she emailed me after yesterday’s post, The Doorway To Hope. “I’m so sorry you’ve shouldered so many deaths to those close to you lately, but I am grateful your messages are of purpose and hope and peace for yourself and others.”

“I recognize my many stages of grief recently for a lost, deeply personal relationship,” she explained. “At the other’s choosing with harsh, damming words that affected so many. All of the stages of grief from anger to guilt to almost acceptance. And prayer! I’m learning that even my prayers have changed through the process. You always include all who grieve: deaths, illness, divorce, job loss, accidents – so God uses you to reach out to each of us wherever we stand at the time. I just wanted to remind you how important you are as you present purpose and hope and peace and love!”

“Thank you so much for your kind, loving email,” I replied. “I truly appreciate you taking the time to encourage me personally. Yes, grief comes in so many different forms, for all of us, often throughout life. I am sorry you are experiencing the deep loss of this painful relationship. Sometimes our hardest people motivate us to crawl upon the lap of God.🤲🏻 In honest conversation, we come to rest with God, through grief and anger, through guilt and almost acceptance. Surrounded by God’s gentle care, we gradually witness the new growth of purpose and hope, peace and love.”

Like a shepherd, God will tend the flock; he will gather lambs in his arms and lift them onto his lap (Isaiah 40:11a, CEB).


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