
Good morning…

Tonight the nearly full moon lit up the room, beaconing me outside. Barefoot I stood in the damp, cold grass, marveling at the light piercing the night. I thought of a book excerpt we read aloud in class this week from page 87 of Choose Joy by Kay Warren.

“My brain froze,” Warren writes. “I wanted to scream and I wanted to cry and I wanted to do everything at once. In that moment of being left alone to deal with the words nobody ever wants to hear – “It’s cancer” – a fragment of a Scripture passage came to me: “He knows the way I take.” As I lay there watching the darkness gather around me, I had an instant word from God that said, “I know, Kay, the way you’re getting ready to take. The darkness is not dark to me. I will be with you on this unexpected journey.”


“That night I looked in my Bible and found that the verse came from Job 23:10, as Job affirmed his faith in God in the midst of suffering,” explains Kay. “I had heard and read that verse enough in my life that it was on my mind when I needed it.”

To the left (north) He turns, but I cannot behold Him; He turns to the right hand (south), but I cannot see Him. “But He knows the way that I take [and He pays attention to it]. When He has tried me, I will come forth as [refined] gold [pure and luminous]” (Job 23:9-10, AMP).

Sometimes we cannot see God at work, to our left or to our right. But He knows the way we take, He pays close attention to our every step. When the time is right, we come forth through life’s trials.

Refined. Pure gold. Luminous.


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