
Good morning…

As I received this image from a dear friend, I was reminded of a quote we read aloud in class this week.


Excerpt from page 43 of The Other Side of Chaos by Margaret Silf

Transitions are messy.

Transitions are chaotic.

Transitions are where our hard-won order breaks down into disorder.

I remember well the morning when, after listening to all my outpourings regarding the chaos running riot in my life at the time, my long-suffering and very wise friend commented simply, “Just let the Spirit hover over the chaos.”


Before time began, the Creator of our universe just let the Spirit hover over the chaos.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters,” say the first two verses of our Bible.

Formless. Empty. Darkness. We don’t like these unsettling words. Yet deep in the heart of each messy transition, we feel formless, empty, left in the dark. Might we patiently live the wisdom of Margaret’s friend?

“Just let the Spirit hover over the chaos.”

The third verse in the Bible will eventually come. Not a moment too early. Not a second too late. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Yet until God speaks light into our formless dark, might we learn to live this framable quote?

“Just let the Spirit hover over the chaos.”

We lift our eyes and surrender our prayer: Spirit of the living God, please hover over the mess of me.

When a little bit of light arrives to form us and to fill us, we will live into Galatians 5:16. Not a moment too early. Not a second too late. So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives.

