
Good morning…

Over the past twenty-four hours, I have reminded myself repeatedly, “Be a reservoir.” When I was tempted to talk too much . . . then decided to listen instead, “Be a reservoir.” When I crafted a long confusing text . . . before deleting it, “Be a reservoir.” When I felt sucked into the middle of things . . . and instead stood still, “Be a reservoir.” When I was invited to share unformed thoughts . . . and felt compelled to stay silent, “Be a reservoir.” When I sensed God’s strength slowly building up in me . . . and I just let it grow naturally, “Be a reservoir.”

I have heard it said, “We nurture from overflow, not from emptiness.” Overflow naturally happens when we, like a reservoir, are patiently filled to the brim . . . before the Spirit seeps over our edges.

This divine dynamic reminds me of a poem I wrote when I was a young mom in my forties.


God Is Like Bath Water by Sue Allen

Bath water

pours into the tub,

inches-up the solid sides,

and levels the powerless lip

before it overflows onto the bathroom floor,



flooding the room.

The Almighty

showers down on me,

fills my heart with Spirit,

and levels my powerless lip

before God overflows into the lives around me,



flooding the room.

Such spiritual overflow

occurs only when

I do not unplug.


Do not unplug, “Be a reservoir.”

I pray that the God who gives hope will fill you with much joy and peace while you trust in him. Then your hope will overflow by the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13, ICB).
