
Good morning…

As I woke from my second sleep yesterday, I revisited our blog post, I Don’t Know What I Feel.

“I created the wordless prayer card above to say what I do not know how to feel,” I wrote. “Taking time to really look at the image intimately, what wordless prayers rise up in you now?”

I did take time. I did really look. As I pondered the image, a cherished Scripture rose up. You have taken note of my journey through life, caught each of my tears in Your bottle (Psalm 56:8, VOICE).

Sometimes tears flood us like this morning in Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas, like the soggy streets of Charleston as the “king tide” met Hurricane Idalia. Ironically, Idalia is a girl’s name from Greek origin meaning “behold the sun”. After a major storm rummages through the coast, I have been told that the sunsets are fantastic. Similarly, might crying each of our tenderizing tears free us up to better behold the sun?

“Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion,” said Dolly Parton in the movie Steel Magnolias. When a dear friend shared the quote this week, my whole being nodded. I am grateful to our gracious God who quietly collects our tears as we journey through this life, freeing up space within for us to better breathe in the sun.


P.S. My mom (85 years old) was admitted to a normal hospital room. Yesterday they performed a sigmoid colonoscopy with the hope of avoiding surgery to remove a section of her intestine. “It’s unclear whether it worked,” said my dad. It’s been two very long days for my parents. My heart is straddling the sorrow of their struggle, their inescapable absence at our son’s wedding, and the joy, the bonding, the dancing of this weekend’s outdoor celebration in Charleston. For me and for many, might laughter through tears be the emotion best summing up this one-of-a-kind week?