Good morning…
So many of us loved yesterday’s post, She Let Go. Why are we so touched by this Ernest Holmes poem?
Because we feel seen, known, and accepted, as we hide behind the bricks in our self-protective wall. Incessant thoughts. Too many words. Fears. Judgements. Swarming opinions. Our committee of indecision. All the “right” reasons. Hesitation. Worry. Conflicting advice. How-to books. Self-selected scriptures. Memories. Anxieties. Excessive planning. Precise calculations. Unkept promises. Stacks of journals. Day-Timer projections. Public announcements. Flashy advertisements. Forecasting the weather. Checking our horoscope. Analyzing everything. Five-easy-steps. Spiritual Mind Treatments. Consulting the prayer line. Speaking our truth. Pleasing the crowd. Seeking applause, congratulations, thanks, praise, and the sought-after reward of being noticed. Effort. Struggle. Judging good versus bad. Resisting what is. We know every brick in our self-made wall.
When God’s moment is right, our layers let loose. Like a leaf falling from a tree, we just let go. Creating space, we let it all be. A small smile spreads. A light breeze blows. The sun and the moon shine through us now, forevermore.
Lord, you keep the lamp of my life burning brightly. You are my God. You bring light into my darkness (Psalm 18:28, NIRV).