
Good morning…

What we actually know is such a tiny sliver. What we know we don’t know is also quite small. The biggest portion of our hidden, inner world is what we don’t know we don’t know. Knowledge and mystery lie beyond like beacons of light magnetically drawing us. This slide, used by Michael Begeman in a recent presentation at St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, helps us to understand our innate drive to constantly seek daily, tangible sources of Light.

I walked across the street in my pajamas yesterday to share a cup of coffee with my neighbor. After telling me all of the sources of Light she had miraculously experienced over the weekend, she played for me a down-to-earth song, a song that takes our hand and walks us toward the fresh knowledge of deep mystery.


There Is A God by Reba McEntire

Try and put your arms around the 100 year old tree
Climb up on a horse and let it run full speed
Take a look down at the world from 30,000 feet
On your next flight

Watch a flock of birds against the morning sun
Close your eyes and listen to the river run
Catch a firefly in your hand or a raindrop on your tongue
That’s right

There is a God
There is a God
There is a God
How much proof do you need?

Plant a seed and see what comes out of the ground
Find the heartbeat on your baby’s ultrasound
In a few years hear it laughing
Don’t it sound like a song?

Stop and think about what you don’t understand
Things like life and love and how the world began
Hear the doctor say we can’t explain it
But the cancer is gone

There is a God
There is a God
There is a God
How much more proof do you need?

Science says it’s just all circumstance
Like this whole world’s just an accident
But if you want to shoot that theory down
Look around
Just look around


In God’s wise design, there is so much we will never know as we walk this earth. Yet, always, always, always, the warm mysteries of life call out to our eyes and our ears, our touch and our taste buds. Surrounded by life’s dark unknowns, might we pay close attention to our inner drive to discover daily, tangible sources of Light?

So we have the prophetic word made more certain. You do well to pay [close] attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and light breaks through the gloom and the morning star arises in your hearts (2 Peter 1:19, AMP).


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