Good morning…
Settling in to do Saturday yard work, I discovered the sign above. It magically appeared in our yard overnight, delivered personally, planted by hand, with all good intentions. But, surprisingly, this kind gesture made me sad. Really sad. Like any strong feeling, I took time to process, “God, why does this symbol of academic achievement step directly on my ‘sad’ nerve?”
I’m sad that our son’s final high school semester is being spent holed up at home, struggling as a school community to make-shift online learning. I’m sad our son, one of many high school seniors, will not make prom memories with his girlfriend and their great band of buddies. I’m sad his grandparents will not travel to Georgia from Ohio and Pennsylvania, as planned, to celebrate the final graduation of our four kids. No ceremony. No treasured family photo-op. No pictures to flip through in later years. I’m sad this is “it” for him, a single silent yard sign, after thirteen years of school in one beloved place.
Yet, you and I both know, “sad” is a relative term, with many different levels. While I am sad over these little losses, other looming losses are very, very large. Hungry children. Stressed families. Rising unemployment. Very sick people. Many going weeks without a hug. Overworked service providers. Loved ones dying without a final blessing shared. No large gatherings, weddings or funerals.
“All of these social distancing funerals are like a knife to the heart,” one of you wrote after yesterday’s post, One Week Ago. “I know this sounds really weird, but I have the fondest memories of our young daughter’s funeral home visitation and funeral. All the people that waited in line for over an hour to speak to us, to hug us, to sign the memory book…I have never felt the love of God so powerfully. During one of the most difficult times in my life, it is still such a treasure to me.”
As we mourn well the loss of lots of little things, our hearts are enlarged to hold the great griefs of the multitude. “God, please help us to process our collective losses, both little and large, losses standing directly on our ‘sad’ nerve.”
You enlarge the path beneath me and make my steps secure, so that my feet will not slip (Psalm 18:36, AMP).
P.S. At Northside Church, we have added a live viewing of Traditional Worship at 8:30AM on Sunday mornings. We invite you to join us this morning for service at 8:30, 9:45, or 11:00AM via our website or Facebook. We also have Sunday school via Zoom at 9:00AM for both children (Meeting ID: 339 291 346 / Password: 517474) and adults (Meeting ID: 675 963 351 / Password: 466784).