Good morning…
“Hi Sue,” she wrote after yesterday’s blog post. “Up early today and feeling connected to you and your thoughts. Your messages always draw me back toward a centering orbit. Thank you for the beacon, the reminder – that every day we live, breathe, and walk through our day – is the most precious blessing.”
Below her name, lived this quote: “I cannot do all the good that the world needs. But the world needs all the good that I can do.”
Our children and their children will get in on this, as the word is passed along from parent to child. Babies not yet conceived will hear the good news— that God does what he says (Psalm 22:30-31, MSG).
God does what he says, empowering us, ordinary people, to do all the good we can do, day after day.
P.S. Please pray for my 86 year old mom, Marie, as she lives, breathes, and walks with her walker through this precious day. After nearly two months recovering in the care center, healing from her most recent fall and broken leg, she will return home to the villa she shares with my dad, Tom, at their senior living community in Ohio. I am certain she will do all the good she can do each day, sending cards, sharing smiles, doing dishes, folding laundry, deadheading flowers, enjoying daily rides in my dad’s passenger seat, and gently loving family, friends, and each person she meets.