Good morning…
“You can definitely feel God’s presence in this place,” said one of the new volunteers after we helped kids with their homework at PAWkids yesterday. I totally agree. God’s presence feels unmistakable in such a life-giving space.
Don’t you know? Haven’t you been listening?
Yahweh is the one and only everlasting God,
the Creator of all you can see and imagine!
He never gets weary or worn out.
His intelligence is unlimited;
he is never puzzled over what to do!
He empowers the feeble
and infuses the powerless with increasing strength (Isaiah 40:28-29, TPT).
My commitment to PAWkids is an outgrowth of my deep friendship with Julie Harlan. Julie also felt God’s unmistakable presence as she regularly volunteered her time building relationships with kids impacted by poverty in our Atlanta community, infusing the powerless with increasing strength. Over the years Julie grew a dream, a dream of taking inner city kids out into nature’s classroom to experience God’s presence in expansive new ways. At forty-one years old, Julie died in the spring of 2017 before her dream was actualized, but her family and friends have lovingly continued living Julie’s Dream, establishing a thriving non-profit in her honor.
Every single year I look forward to the highlight video unveiled at the annual Dream Big event. Emailed this week to Julie’s Dream supporters, the 2022 video is so inviting. “You can definitely feel God’s presence in this place,” echos through every breathtaking moment.
Don’t you realize that God is the Creator?
Don’t you hear the truth?
Haven’t you been told this from the beginning?
Haven’t you understood this since he laid a firm foundation for the earth?
He sits enthroned high above the circle of the earth;
to him the people of earth are like grasshoppers!
He stretches out the heavens like a curtain,
spreading it open like a tent to live in (Isaiah 40:21-22, TPT).
Now it is your turn to live Julie’s dream, experiencing God’s unmistakable presence breathing through the video below. Don’t you feel the spirit of Julie continuing to infuse the powerless with increasing strength?