
Good morning…

I was the last parent to leave our first gathering of our youngest child’s final high school year. I felt compelled to “close down the bar,” “stay for the last round,” enjoying every conversation until the very last drop. I was in my car by 9:00 am, driving forward into this special year of “lasts.”

Returning home to a quiet house, I was embraced by the feeling I loved the most when our kids were in preschool and elementary. After dropping everyone off everywhere, day after day, I would come home, brew coffee, and curl up on the couch with my journal to pray out the contents of my momma heart. I did the same thing yesterday morning, and these words fell upon my page.

“I come home again to a quiet house, something I have not experienced much this summer. Adrianna is nestled into a house shared with great friends at the University of Georgia, we moved Tessa in for her final semester of classes at Georgia College and University as she completes prerequisites for P.A. school, and Kyler is thriving in downtown Atlanta, on staff with Campus Outreach, building faith with Georgia Tech students. Jeremiah, now a Lovett senior, and Steve, the Lovett chaplain, are both up and off into their brand new school year. And I return to a quiet home. Two dogs, my journal, and a hot mug of soothing coffee. This, right here, right now, feels like an oversized slice of heaven on earth. Silence and solitude are two of my best friends.”

After extended alone time with my God and my self, I opened up an email which gave me permission to share with you these life-giving words.

“Hi Sue!” she wrote after yesterday’s morning message. “Today’s post really resonated with me. We are on the front end of your story with a new Pre-K child and a 1st grader, but I can’t help but feel that time is flying by already (how are we already out of diapers and cribs?). My consistent prayer these days is for God to slow down my perception of life’s fleeting moments and help me to really soak in daily blessings so that I can be tear-free when we get to where you are. I love your perspective on this wisdom in today’s message.”

Her email continued: “BTW, I don’t know if you’ll remember giving this to me, but you gave me a book after a women’s Bible study one day that has great classic stories in it about Virtues (Little Red Hen and so forth). My two are finally old enough to sit still long enough, and we are really enjoying it! Thank you ?.”

Her email made me smile. I have always loved that light blue book with its now tattered cover. I instantly emailed her back, “Oh, so wonderful to hear from you! I remember that beloved book and how much we enjoyed reading it with our kids. Enjoy this precious book, marvel at your maturing kids, and cherish these fleeting moments. This day will never come again.”

I concluded: “I love your prayer about slowing down your perception, asking God to help you really soak in the daily blessings unfolding in your home. Tears or no tears, moment by moment, each life phase is well worth loving fully.”

Remember [thoughtfully] also your Creator in the days of your youth [for you are not your own, but His] (Ecclesiastes 12:1a, AMP).
