Happy Valentine’s Day…
We all love love, but love is messy. In a week that began with our niece going into early labor, from childbirth on life is filled with messy moments. In the after-school enrichment program at PAWkids, the kids collaged their response to the question, “What does love feel like to you?” We also made spin-art Valentines, a marvelously messy endeavor, indeed. As art and life collided this week, I captured some of the creative chaos in some fabulous photos.

Margaret Silf, the author of our book study for the young moms at church, writes this about messy love in The Other Side of Chaos: “The message is really very simple: chaos is not bad news, a mess that we have to bring back into the right kind of order, the order that existed before we messed it up. On the contrary, chaos is a sacred reality, the very thing that is needed for a new creation to begin. Chaos is a gift, overflowing with potential.” (47)
When God began creating the heavens and the earth, the earth was a shapeless, chaotic mass, with the Spirit of God brooding over the dark vapors.
Then God said, “Let there be light.” And light appeared (Genesis 1:1-3, TLB).
This marvelous, messy Valentine’s Day, may the God of love continue to speak light into our places of chaotic dark.