
Good morning…

She was reminded of one of her favorite Barbara Brown Taylor quotes: “God’s message of love is sent into the world in human envelopes.”

Isn’t our Creator’s most basic truth revealed in Barbara’s nutshell? Before leaving earth for heaven, Jesus said, “When I am raised to life again, you will know that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you” (John 14:20, NLT). The endless love of the Father is tucked in the tender skin of Jesus, and the sacrificial love of the living Christ is enveloped within us.

The Spirit now draws me to Philippians 2:12-16a (TPT) to tangibly unwrap what it really means to be “human envelopes” sent into the world with God’s message of love.

My beloved ones, just like you’ve always listened to everything I’ve taught you in the past, I’m asking you now to keep following my instructions as though I were right there with you. Now you must continue to make this new life fully manifested as you live in the holy awe of God—which brings you trembling into his presence. God will continually revitalize you, implanting within you the passion to do what pleases him.

Live a cheerful life, without complaining or division among yourselves. For then you will be seen as innocent, faultless, and pure children of God, even though you live in the midst of a brutal and perverse culture. For you will appear among them as shining lights in the universe, holding out the words of eternal life. 

Day after day, how do we unwrap the message of God’s love for all, unconditional love which is enveloped in our sensitive human skin?

  1. Listening attentively, we keep following wise instruction as though the Lord is right here with us.
  2. We continue to make the new life of the risen Christ fully manifest each day as together we live in the holy awe of God.
  3. We trust God to continually revitalize us, implanting within us the passion to do what pleases him.
  4. Daily we live a cheerful life, without complaining or division, even though we live in the midst of a brutal and perverse culture.
  5. We will appear among God’s beloved children as shining lights in the universe, holding out the words of eternal life.

I haven’t labored among you for nothing, for your lives are the fruit of my ministry and will be my glorious boast at the unveiling of Christ! But I will rejoice even if my life is poured out like a liquid offering to God over your sacrificial and surrendered lives of faith. And so no matter what happens to me, you should rejoice in ecstatic celebration with me! (verses 16b-18).

Keep following. Continue manifesting. Trust God’s revitalization. Live a cheerful life. Shine like universal light. Each and every day, we diligently unwrap the love-laced words of eternal life enveloped within us.


P.S. Happy birthday, Dad! Happy birthday, Jayne! I appreciate the love of God you each continue to shine into my life, year after year.
