
Good morning…

During this night as the moon fills with light, I am drawn to my new book of poems, Poetry of Presence. Randomly flipping to page 57, I nestle into this moment at hand.


There is so much we cannot change about this wounding world. Yet, moment to moment, we can simply love what is here.



Mind, heart, and soul.

Might we simply love what is here?

I turned and witnessed something else under the sun: the race does not always go to the swift, the battle is not always won by the strong, bread does not always fill the table of the wise, wealth does not always accrue to the skillful, and favor is not always granted to the knowledgeable; but time and misfortune happen to them all (Ecclesiastes 9:11, VOICE).

Time. Misfortune. Life happens to us all. Simply learn to love what is here.

My mind slips into song, an old favorite song. “The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time,” sings the soulful voice of James Taylor.
