
Good morning…

“Hey Sue!” she emailed. “You’ve been on a roll these last two weeks! LOVING all your messages each day! Makes me miss seeing you all the more, but at least I feel close to your heart through your daily sweet words!”

She reflected: “I do believe God speaks to us in special ways through nature, through Scripture, through people, through His beautiful creation. I’ll never forget the Lionbacker picnic two years ago, shortly after Tommy Lanier’s passing. Lovett did a special CURE (Childhood Cancer) fundraiser that night in his honor. I had set up a table and pictures of Tommy.”


She continued: “I prayed that he was looking down on us, healed, whole, and happy with his Lord that night, proud to see all who cared so much for him. Not long after, a beautiful blue butterfly landed where I was standing and just stayed on the tablecloth so still and beautiful and peaceful. I knew it was the Lord reassuring me that Tommy was indeed at peace and still with us everyday, feeling our love. It was precious, just like Tommy was ?.”


“I love these pictures and your story of God’s love tenderly bridging the gap between heaven and earth,” I wrote her back. “Might I share your email with our online community? It is so beautiful and such a tangible reminder that Jesus ripped open the veil between the earth and the heavens when he died to his old life and rose again, resurrected. God opened a palpable pathway for all of us to follow, from death to new life, and now there is no separation between us, our LORD, and our loved ones, forever and ever. Pray about the possibility and consider if you would feel comfortable with me sharing your words and images. When might we get together face-to-face?”

And so here I am…writing about things that are way over my head, the inexhaustible riches and generosity of Christ. My task is to bring out in the open and make plain what God, who created all this in the first place, has been doing in secret and behind the scenes all along. Through followers of Jesus like yourselves…this extraordinary plan of God is becoming known and talked about even among the angels! (Ephesians 3:8-10, MSG).
