Good morning…
May speeds way too fast. Extra commitments. Final gatherings. Parties, performances, end-of-school-year stuff.

As we slowed down to sit on her screened-in back porch, we unpacked a quote from Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh.
“To say how little, not how much, can I get along with. To say – is it necessary? – when I am tempted to add one more accumulation to my life, when I am pulled toward one more centrifugal activity.”
As the high speed winds of May pick up, might we slow down to ask ourselves, “How little can I get along with?”
How little rushing?
How little gorging?
How little spending?
How little forcing and fighting and fretting?

Slow down to ask, “How little, not how much, can I get along with?”
Wonder, “Is it necessary?”
“Slow down. Take a deep breath. What’s the hurry? Why wear yourself out? Just what are you after anyway?” (Jeremiah 2:25a, MSG).
P.S. A long-time subscriber wrote me after reading today’s blog post: “Was reminded today of IAMSON’s ‘Slow Down’ song that you introduced to us long ago. Thank you, Sue, for being with us each morning.”