
Good morning…

“Hi Sue,” a longtime church friend wrote several days ago. “Thought you might enjoy these pictures. I took them at Monet’s garden outside of Paris. It was such a hopeful place with all the dreariness in the world. Hope you are well and peaceful.”


“Oh, how gorgeous,” I replied. “Such exquisite beauty. Life-giving. Breath-taking. Fingerprints of our Creator expanding over every inch. Thank you for sharing. Might I post these pictures on our blog if the Spirit moves? Enjoy this God-given day.”


“Oh yes. As the spirit moves, that will be fine,” she graciously nodded. “Claude Monet lived there in Giverny outside of Paris from 1883 until he died there in 1926. He not only gifted us with so many beautiful paintings but with these awesome gardens. I’ve loved your musings on our ‘gifts’ and how to discover, nurture, and use them. Hugs.”

Take a few quiet moments to scroll through these colorful images. How is your heart like these growing gardens?

In simple humility, let our gardener, God, landscape you with the Word, making a salvation-garden of your life (James 1:21, MSG).

