
Good morning…

Today, my husband Steve and I will reunite after his first adventure in his new role as Chaplain Emeritus at the Lovett School. Creating and directing Lovett Expeditions, a global trip program for adults in our community, Steve has passed the baton to Lovett’s next head chaplain after serving kids diligently for twenty-nine years. Today is a new chapter in our life as a couple, as he returns from summiting Mt. Kilimanjaro and we dance into whatever God’s future holds.

As a tribute to the aging process which carries each one of us like gravity, let’s enjoy this fun video of a highly creative couple dancing to the “sound of the genuine,” God’s loving melody, the eternal soundtrack running through our everyday lives.

Those who sing and those who dance will say together, “All my fountains of joy are in You” (Psalm 87:7, VOICE).


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