Good morning…
Sustained by our prayers through March, April, and May, my mom miraculously opened her eyes in the ICU and came back to life at the sound of my father’s voice. Recovering from a surgery to repair her broken femur following a fall in early March, my mom’s health had nosedived quickly. Within 24 hours, she had suffered a stroke and a whole body infection was shutting down her organs, landing her on a ventilator in the ICU. Yet, responding to our urgent prayers, God chose to bring her back to us. Over time, slowly but surely, she moved from the ICU to a hospital room, from the hospital to the skilled nursing care center and back to my parents’ independent living villa at their senior living community in Ohio. With her broken femur gradually healing, she moved from the bed to the wheelchair, from the wheelchair to the walker. My mom was getting around pretty well, enjoying her increasing strength and freedom.
“Your mom fell at 5AM today,” my dad’s unexpected text came in at 8:53 am two Saturdays ago while I was enjoying a wedding weekend in Charleston, South Carolina. “She has re-injured her femur. We are in the emergency room at Southwest hospital.” We texted back and forth throughout the day. “At this time it appears that her leg will be immobilized but she we not have surgery again,” my dad shared. “It sounds like it may take two to three months in bedrest back at the care center.”
Disappointing. Discouraging. Like my dad said, “Disheartening.” My mom had worked so hard to recover. Slowly but surely, she had improved so tremendously. Now this. Back to square one. Wow, what a letdown.
As my friend and I walked through the streets of Charleston that day, we browsed an art gallery and happened upon this painting.

My parents are avid bird lovers, so I sent them a photo of this sweet winged pair. Sending my love, I texted my dad, “This painting at an art gallery reminds me of you and mom. It is called ‘Together Through Time’.” How grateful I am that my parents are facing these hard times together.
“My mom fell again,” a few days later I texted a good friend who is dealing with serious health issues with her own loved one. “I am needing to work through it with God enough before I can post about it. ‘It is disheartening,’ my dad said. And at the same time, it is a new thing for me to listen to my father speaking from his heart, and my mom is finding things to be grateful for each day. Together they are looking forward to next steps. I will go to Ohio to visit for my mom’s 84th birthday on June 9th and their 62nd wedding anniversary on June 11th. Thanks for keeping my parents in your prayers.”
“Oh Sue,” my friend replied tenderly. “So sorry about your mom. The world is hard right now for so many of us.”
While on earth Jesus warned us about hard times. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33, NIV). Though many of us face hard things right now, as we remain tucked in the powerful presence of the living Christ, might our hearts really experience palpable peace?
In these early hours of today I pray for my parents, and I pray for those grieving, those struggling, those feeling lost and alone. I pray that somehow Philippians 4:7 (GNT) comes true in our lives: And God’s peace, which is far beyond human understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with Christ Jesus.
In union with Christ, we are drawn peacefully together through time.
P.S. I just experienced a prime example of God’s peace stretching undeniably, far beyond human understanding. I sent out our blog post above at 2:26 am. Then at 8:30 am, I got a text from my dad in Ohio. “I read your blog and would like to add that your Mom is able to be in a wheelchair,” he wrote. “Several days we rolled over to the villa. Yesterday we walked the nature trail and stopped at the villa. Hopefully today we will work on transferring into the car. This will give us the freedom to take rides which your Mom really enjoys. We are looking forward to your visit! Love, Dad.”
“I will add this in a P.S., dad,” I replied right away. “You guys are doing so well supporting each other and making the most of each day. Like I have told you many times, I admire you both tremendously. I love you and am so grateful I am listening to you lead with your heart as you love mom so well. I can’t wait to see you both on Thursday!”
“I love you,” he responded and sent this fun image.

As we each remain in union with Jesus Christ wherever we are, God’s love and peace expand out beautifully in so many healing directions! It makes my heart smile to think that my dad will read our blog post to my mom, a habit they share every morning, and God’s love and peace will miraculously fill all of our hearts from miles and miles away. Look at this. We are each invited to remain in intimate relationship with such an awesome God!