Good morning…
One long day in the ER. A short night in a regular room. Two exhausting days in the ICU. Suffering seizures and diagnosed with RSV, my mom was unresponsive for three full days. We did not know what we would find when we went to the hospital on day four.
We got into the ICU around 9:00 am, and the nurse met us outside my mom’s room. We were told that they took her off sedation around 2:00 am, and throughout the night she had begun waking up. My mom was able to respond to the nurse’s simple instructions, a requirement for taking her off the machines.
When we walked in the room, my mom’s eyes were open. Amazingly, she recognized us. As we shared tearful eye contact, joy filled the room. Miraculously, mom had come back to us! Over the next hour, they unhooked her from the breathing machine and took out the intubation tube. Breathing on her own with a little oxygen, my mom broke into the biggest smile.

We are so incredibly grateful for all the prayers lifted on our family’s behalf. My mom has a long road of recovery ahead, and together we’ll take it step by step. With her tired voice my mom whispered, “I’m on my way.”
When sickness comes, the Eternal is beside them— to comfort them on their sickbeds and restore them to health (Psalm 41:3, VOICE).