
Good morning…

I loved overhearing my parents’ conversation in the kitchen as I got ready in the living room for my mom’s surgery day.

“Well, I had my first surgery on Labor Day and now hopefully my last reversal surgery on President’s Day,” astutely said my 85-year-old mom. “You can tell I was a kindergarten teacher, always moving from holiday to holiday.”

“Without holidays, what would a kindergarten teacher do?” laughed my dad.

We drove to the hospital as the morning sky was waking up, and my mom was taken back to prep for surgery a little after 7:00 am. My dad treated me to a hot breakfast in the hospital cafeteria, before we settled into the waiting room to prayerfully wait, connecting to friends and family by cell phone, feeling a strong, loving web of support.


I visited the 60% off sale rack at the hospital gift shop, and found a black and red wrap, University of Georgia colors, which became my prayer shawl for this important morning.

Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. We made room for waiting.

9:03 am – She went back for surgery.

9:39 am – Surgery began.

11:30 am – Our handheld buzzer went off, indicating surgery was finished and that the surgeon would be out to meet with us.

11:35 am – Surgeon said everything went very well. Hallelujah! My mom’s need for a colostomy bag was reversed. A sweet answer to many prayers.

12:15 pm – We joyfully met mom in room 520, where she will spend three to seven days healing, gaining strength, and preparing to return, bag-free, to the comforts of home.


God’s loving grace is shining on this retired kindergarten teacher, who looks forward to St. Patrick’s Day in just 27 days.

Lord, You have always been our refuge.
    Our ancestors made You their home long ago.
Before mountains were born,
    before You fashioned the earth and filled it with life,
    from ages past to distant futures,
    You are truly God (Psalm 90:1-2, VOICE).

All thanks be to God and you, our strong web of praying supporters.


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