
Good morning…

“In every picture you take at PAWkids, you exude such joy,” said a trusted friend. I’m beginning to realize that the joy we exude offers an “X marks the spot” revelation. A sensation of joyful passion is a great indicator of where and with whom God might want us to invest our time and our talents.

Where might you feel drawn to spend your time? Home? Outdoors? The church, school, or art studio?

With whom might you feel drawn to share your talents? Family? The marginalized? Children, teens, adults who are in need?

What might be your most life-giving gifts? Is it cooking a yummy meal? Is it nurturing babies? Is it singing, painting, dancing? Is it listening? Is it speaking? Is it visiting inmates, shut-ins, ailing patients? Is it writing? Is it deeply praying? Is it caring for pets, nature, the elderly? Whenever time evaporates as we engage in a mutually beneficial activity, we are partnering with the living, breathing Spirit of God who constantly sparks small acts of justice and loving-kindness in our everyday lives.

I am reminded of a favorite Howard Thurman quote: “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” We trust God to make us come alive and give us the courage to just “go do it.”

I come alive at PAWkids as I witness the children come alive. For one young budding boy who loves to snap pictures on our cell phones in the after school program, might photography become one activity that makes him come alive, sparking those around him to also come alive?


For me, it is such joy to activate collective joy. Beading and reading. Parachute and basketball. Art projects, sand tray worlds, and creative expression of every kind. Eating a family style meal together every other week feeds more than our connecting souls. So I plan to be around awhile, companion to you as your growth and joy in this life of trusting God continues (Philippians 1:25, MSG).

If you were caught in the act of doing what you love to do the most, where would your mug shot be taken and who might be with you? How fun it is to be brought alive with you by the Spirit of our living God!


P.S. If you want to learn more about how you might join God, me, and our friends at PAWkids, please email me with any questions.
