Good morning…
At 7:21 am yesterday, she wrote me in response to our post, I Was So Mad. “I am moved,” she said. “This is so strong and authentic, Sue. Thank you for sharing this visceral and vivid depiction of a difficult process. I love the contemporary take on Philippians.”
Then at 7:23 am she wrote again: “This came to me right after reading your post!” I exchanged her name for mine and was astounded by the timing and the unmistakable surround sound of the Creator of our universe.
Sue, next time you feel really hurt, really angry, or really, really upset, and you’re sure that even I have been violated, shaken, and humbled, quick, check and see if the sky is any less blue, the sun any less radiant, the birds have stopped singing, or the flowers have lost their scent.
I’ll wager you’ll find that life has gone on much as before. Too consumed by the powers of now and the inevitabilities of love, understanding, and eternal life to have even missed a beat.
The Universe
“This is so amazing!” I responded. “God’s perfect timing surprises me again and again. Our Creator coaxes us close, and we join the ‘community of the Spirit’ in charge of our universe. I am so grateful we are deep-spirited friends, forever!”
Then I did what her devotional message encouraged, I “quick, checked” the sky and, sure enough, the morning after God transformed my anger by His living Word, the sky was still breath-taking, the sun rose radiantly, the birds sang spontaneously, and the flowers freely shared their scent.
God’s truths always hold true. Processing hard emotions with God, we become more keenly aware, “Life goes on much as before, too consumed by the powers of now and the inevitabilities of love, understanding, and eternal life to have even missed a beat.”
The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known. They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard. Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world (Psalm 19:1-4a, NLT).
Day after day, night after night, thank You, LORD, for continuing to speak Your healing rhythm into all the world.