
Good morning…

“Prior to my loss, my prayers had been petitions for things I hoped to have or intercessions for others,” writes beloved author Paula D’Arcy, who lost her husband and her three year old daughter to the recklessness of a drunk driver. “Now my one prayer was, ‘Show me. Show me,’ or, ‘Teach me how to see.’ A guidance from within began transforming me through that prayer. I felt a sincere desire to help others realize what I had begun to realize—that in the times for which there are no easy answers and when your suffering is great, something from within is able to help you, and wants to help you. It called me forward, and once I gave it my full attention, even though my circumstances were unchanged, I was changing. As my heart continued to open, I saw everything through new eyes.”

We live in a time of no easy answers, and for so many people suffering is great. Yet the Holy Spirit of God is within us, able and wanting to help. Giving our full attention to the guiding voice of God, we are transformed as we pray, “Show me. Show me. Teach me how to see.”

Show me how you work, God; School me in your ways (Psalm 25:4, MSG).


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