Good morning…
Last night I made twelve Stromboli, six to serve our son’s high school friends in our busy basement and six to share with his college friends as they move into their rental home this afternoon. Straddling two life chapters, two different seasons, two separate towns – Atlanta and Athens – Stromboli chills in our refrigerator right now, leftovers from last night and foil filled gifts to give today.
Savoring what has been and hoping for what might be, Stromboli is a symbol of my motherly love this morning. Today by today, authentic love stretches in divergent directions. Remembering back. Envisioning forward. Enjoying this day. What a vibrant way to live.
Into my mind now pops another symbol I recently brought home from Goodwill.

Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts and become spiritually dull… (Psalm 95:8a, AMP).