
Good morning…

With a kind and grateful heart, the Development Director wrote to me from Ignatius House Retreat Center. This week, we, as a written word community, tangibly supported an ISP retreat for women recovering from homelessness and addiction. We filled fifteen welcome bags for their private rooms and provided financial donations to offset the cost of this retreat, which was offered free of charge to these courageous women.


“Sue,” Megan wrote, “the women had a great retreat! Here’s some feedback they shared, if you would like to pass it along:

What was your favorite activity?
Personal time, because I’m in a program in a house with up to 10 other women, with 3 of us in a room, so peace and quiet, space and solitude are at a premium for me. I truly enjoyed it.

How did this retreat impact your spiritual/recovery journey?
God did amazing things in my life while I was here. Too many to list.
I could hear God talking to me when I had alone time in my room.

What did you learn about yourself?
I am supposed to be here on earth to impact change.
I learned that I’m no longer what I’ve been through. I am not bad in fact I’m full of goodness.
My life purpose has clarity now. After reflection I have realized if I keep things simple and do the next right thing, everything will fall into place.

In total twelve women donated $1,745! That’s amazing and we are so grateful!! (The cost of this retreat was about $2,625 so you all just about covered it!)

Many, many thanks for all you do to support this beautiful ministry!”


I am reminded of the Bible story about Jesus healing ten lepers on his way to Jerusalem. One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him—and he was a Samaritan.

Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give praise to God except this foreigner?” Then he said to him, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well” (Luke 17:15-19, NIV).

As Megan’s kind email rises up to share thanks, I truly sense how important it is to express our gratitude to God and to each other. Sharing thanks grows our faith and enhances our well-being. So thank you, thank you, thank you to all who contributed prayers, welcome bag items, and financial support for this week’s life-changing retreat. And thanks goes out to God, who miraculously inspired us to give a little, multiplying our gifts a lot. Our prayers continue to surround these women as they listen to the voice of God guiding them through the challenges of daily life.

Remembering to rise, return, and give our thanks is a humble habit to develop. Expressing gratitude is a simple choice which bonds and benefits us all.


P.S. After this morning’s email went out, I immediately received a response from a woman in our Monday group who volunteers to pick up and return women at Marta before and after ISP retreats. Look at her seeing God actively at work among us!

“Good morning Sue,” she wrote. “When I picked the women up on Tuesday morning, it was difficult to get a conversation going. They seemed very shut down and uninterested in talking at all. What a difference when I got them the following day after the retreat was over! Their faces were bright and smiling. They were very talkative. They were so grateful for the gift bags! I could not believe the difference in the women. I saw how God had lightened their hearts……Please know what a huge impact your part in the retreat had on these beautiful ladies. I am forever grateful for the person you are in this world.”

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