
Good morning…

One week from today, we will host another four-week class on the Enneagram, an ancient tool used to identify our own core need as a unique child of God. Once our deepest drive is discerned, we will learn to track our spiritual growth as God’s Spirit awakens our True Self. This time I will be teaching with a long time friend and colleague, Rev. Catherine Boothe Olson from Northside Church.

As I sat in church yesterday, I read the following class description in our bulletin.

01. Enneagram: A Tool for Spiritual Direction

What motivates you? God created each of us and calls us to grow in love of God, neighbor, and self. The Enneagram is a personality tool that can help reveal your motivations. As you understand your growth in health and challenges in stress, you can better transform into the person God desires you to be in grace. Join our discussion, facilitated by Rev. Catherine and Sue Allen, on Mondays in August in Room 362 from 12:00 to 1:30PM. We will utilize the book, The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile. No registration is required.
Email Rev. Catherine


For those who know both Rev. Catherine and me, you know we are wired by God quite differently. She is a THREE on the Enneagram, which means she loves descriptors like efficient, successful, a high achiever, while embodying this quote by Noel Coward: “Work is more fun than fun!” I, myself, am a NINE, a collaborator, a negotiator, a seeker of inner peace. As a NINE, I am more laid-back, embodying this Savoyard Proverb: “I have so much to do I’m going to bed.” Catherine and I will enjoy feeding off each others’ strengths as we facilitate this 90-minute class the four Mondays in August.

If you are not able to attend the class, why not order the book The Road Back To You? Topping off our dwindling stack of summer reads, this ongoing resource will help us each to grow up into the unique person God hardwired us to be.

If all these things are in you and growing, you will never fail to be useful to God. You will produce the kind of fruit that should come from your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 1:8, ERV).


P.S. Because of the great response to this learning opportunity, we have moved the class into a larger space. We will meet on Mondays in August, 12:00 to 1:30 pm, now hosted in the Fellowship Hall at Northside Church (2799 Northside Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30305).