Good morning…
As we rest in the sun on this unique day, there are zillions of things going on around and inside us. To experience an intimate and expansive view of God’s eternal perspective, enjoy this fascinating video entitled Cosmic Eye.
“Cosmic Eye is a short 2012/2018 film and iOS app, developed by astrophysicist Danail Obreschkow,” explains Wikipedia. “It shows the largest and smallest well known scales of the universe by gradually zooming out from and then back into the face of a woman called ‘Louise’. …Cosmic Eye, although developed in 2012 for local teaching and outreach purposes, in April 2016 it suddenly attracted 40 million views in just ten days on the Facebook group page of ‘The Science Scoop’. The video has since been viewed more than 200 million times on Facebook and was featured in major media, such as BBC World News.”
The description concludes: “Cosmic Eye was re-released in 2018 in high-resolution landscape (16:9) format and slightly improved graphics that include animated vector elements. The woman at the centre of the film is Louise McKay, a professional cellist from Western Australia.”
It is beautiful how God has done everything at the right time. He has put a sense of eternity in people’s minds. Yet, mortals still can’t grasp what God is doing from the beginning to the end of time (Ecclesiastes 3:11, GW).
Sip on and savor this incredible gift.