
Good morning…

With me taking a Sabbath rest from writing each Sunday, this is our final blog post for 2023. I feel drawn to pass along the encouragement a friend shared with me. In the midst of her journey with breast cancer, she wrote, “Yesterday I read the whole book Chris Beats Cancer by Chris Wark. It was so good, and this gift was in it. Healing. Guidance. Abundance. Security. These words brought comfort to me. I thought I would share.”

psalm 23
psalm 23
psalm 23

Healing. Guidance. Abundance. Security. These words resonate with me also. Along with Relationship. Rest. Refreshment. Eternity.

At various points along the way, every life path will trail down into the shadowy valley. As we walk step by step with our shepherd, we will experience green pastures, crystal still waters, and a cup overflowing with comfort. As we end one year and begin anew, may we personally sense God’s promise come true. The Eternal is my shepherd, He cares for me always (Psalm 23:1, VOICE).


P.S. Thank you for your continued prayers for my mom. Propped up in her hospital bed, she turned a very important corner yesterday. I admire her hopeful prediction: “2024 will be a much better year!”


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