Good morning…
The tumultuous waves of this unique day have been building strength on our horizon for a long while now. Waking up into what will be, we fix our eyes on the Gentle Equalizer. Even the largest, stormiest waves dissipate naturally into God’s eternal ebb and flow. The sea remains the sea, constant, reliable, fluid. Participating in life’s Big Picture, the waves of today will dissolve into the waves of tomorrow, joining in the symphony of God’s mysterious movement.
You leave us breathless when Your awesome works answer us by putting everything right.
God of our liberation—
You are the hope of all creation, from the far corners of the earth
to distant life-giving oceans.
With immense power, You erected mountains.
Wrapped in strength, You compelled
Choppy seas,
crashing waves,
and crowds of people
To sit in astonished silence.
You are the gentle equalizer (Psalm 65:5-7, 10a, VOICE).
We fix our eyes on the Almighty God, who remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. Watching the music video below, we rest secure as the waves of God’s living Word wash over us.