
Good morning…

At our annual Turkey Bowl, the welcome is wide, the laughter is contagious and the score always ends in a tie. Returning home to cook turkey and fixin’s, I received an email responding to our Thanksgiving blog post. Early in the morning, as a written word community, we had experienced this prayer, a prayer written by Brian D. McLaren.

Jesus of the table,

You gathered unexpected people around

hearths of hospitality.

You stretched out your hand

for grapes and bread, for wine and welcome.

May we populate our tables

with all kinds of people.

Because at the table

our hearts can be glad

for a while.


Then after our traditional football fun, I came home to this email widening God’s welcome.

“Dear Sue,” she wrote. “Thank you for the lovely prayer shared this morning; back at you with this, a favorite from Jan Richardson appropriate for this day and our time.”

Now I share with you these words graciously shared with me.


The Eternal One says, “If you are thirsty, come here; come, there’s water for all. Whoever is poor and penniless can still come and buy the food I sell. There’s no cost—here, have some food, hearty and delicious, and beverages, pure and good. I don’t understand why you spend your money for things that don’t nourish or work so hard for what leaves you empty. Attend to Me and eat what is good; enjoy the richest, most delectable of things. Listen closely, and come even closer. My words will give life, for I will make a covenant with you that cannot be broken, a promise of My enduring presence and support…” (Isaiah 55:1-3, VOICE).

It seems the art of giving thanks is a welcoming way of life, expanding out of its holiday box more and more every year. Now we become bread for a hungering world. Now we become drink for those who thirst. The blessed, now we become the blessing. As God’s welcome continues to widen through us, everywhere is the feast, hearty and delicious, pure and good, enduring presence and support for all.
