
Good morning…

Like many once-in-a-lifetime events, the 21st birthday of our youngest child was kinda underwhelming for me.

Years ago, during a particularly challenging summer with our son, I found the hand painted old fashion sign above: “Good Beer. Good Cheer. Always on tap here.” I purchased it at Goodwill as a symbol of hope that our family of six would eventually make it to adulthood without any major mishaps derailing our dreams. Yesterday we crossed the finish line of our mammoth marathon, raising four children six years apart.

“Happy birthday” wishes streamed into our family’s group text early yesterday. With my husband leading a twelve day trip to Israel with a class of eighteen high school students, June 5th arrived six hours ahead. He was the first to send a loving message. Then came wishes from our 25 year old daughter who is also six hours ahead, ministering to college students for a month in Zambia, Africa. Our other two kids, who live in Atlanta for now, reached out to their brother separately throughout the day.


“Thank you guys so much,” our 21-year-old texted back from Steamboat Springs, Colorado where he is working for the summer. “Here’s the view from the pool deck this morning.”

When he got off work, he went flying fishing in a nearby stream. Then he and I talked by phone before he planned to go out to a nice birthday dinner with the five friends he is living with for June and July. Our conversation was short and simple, with honest “I love you’s” rounding out our connection.

I am not sure of the fanfare I was expecting, but “underwhelming” actually felt just perfect.

With all of the wars, the mass shootings, the unexpected tragedies cropping up along life’s way, not every family reaches adulthood together, with beer and cheer flowing freely here on earth. We all share similar dreams, but not every dream comes true in the form we originally envisioned. Sorrow can steal sleep for many, many long nights, refined beauty gradually breaks through, and eternal life eventually has the last word.

Quietly awake in the middle of this night, I pray for the families grieving great loss and I am grateful for my small, savory slice of celebration today.

What is the best thing to do in the short life God has given us? I think we should enjoy eating, drinking, and working hard. This is what God intends for us to do (Ecclesiastes 5:18, CEV).
