
Good morning…

I love this unique bird rising up into purple. Purple, the higher way we have been exploring with God. Purple, the masterful blending of red, white, and blue. Purple, our patchy pathway forward into God’s peace, God’s power, God’s purposes.

“Our life is an apprenticeship to the truth that around every circle another circle can be drawn,” notices Ralph Waldo Emerson, “that there is no end in nature, but every end is a beginning, and under every deep a lower deep opens.”

As we befriend each new beginning, day after day, our fresh understanding of life opens ever wider. The Lord God says, “I caused all things to begin and I will cause the end of all things. I have all power and authority. I am alive. I have always been alive. I will continue to be alive for ever” (Revelation 1:8, EASY).

Morning by morning, let’s rise up and deepen down, stretching out into the expanding circle of our eternal God.
