
Good morning…

A friend’s comment caused an important shift. “People do not die of cancer,” she said. “People live with cancer.”

I suppose it is the same with Alzheimers, heart disease, and grief. With the moments we are given, might we ask, “God, how might I best live this day?”

It was almost time for the Passover Feast. Jesus knew that it was time for him to leave this world and go back to the Father. He had always loved those who were his own in the world, and he loved them all the way to the end (John 13:1, NCV).

Eventually, we will all leave this world and go back to the Father. As I best live each day, might the same be said of me? “She always loved those who were her own in the world, and she loved them all the way to the end.” Might the same be said of you?

Through all eternity, we live and we love.


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