
Good morning…

My friend’s text came in at 3:09 am. Now it’s 4:04. Whatever I thought I might write about evaporates, leaving space to ponder these thoughts.

“I’m not sure if u heard about the people who were bit by sharks near seaside and rosemary beach a few weeks ago,” she wrote about a beloved section of the Florida coast where many of us enjoy vacationing. “One of the victims was a 15 year old girl named Lulu who lost one hand and one leg. I cannot imagine what she and her family are going thru and I have been following her on caring bridge. The paragraph below from today’s post just really touched my heart and made me say, “WOW.”


“WOW!” is right. Lulu and her family, new people to add to our ongoing prayers.

How well we can relate to Lulu. As ordinary people, we tend to get frustrated. Frustration is often our go-to emotion when we are overwhelmed. We also can be head strong, liking things done the way we want them and when we want them done. In moments of frustration, may we learn to say Grace (step back, take a deep breath, process our pain with God). May we also give Grace (lovingkindness), to ourselves and to each other.

God our Father, and his Son Jesus Christ will help us. He will be kind to us and he will give us peace in our minds. This will happen because God loves us and we believe his true message (2 John 1:3, EASY).

Frustration = Say Grace + Give Grace.

What a life giving equation, Lulu.


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