Good morning…

My own email address was dropped from my “Sue to You” subscription list again. The reason given? “I am no longer interested.” Let me assure you, I am still very interested in listening to God with you, morning by morning.

Glitches. We all have them. We all hate them. Yet, glitches hold up for us a very important mirror.

My mind is filled with the loud voice of an unnamed, unknown woman, a woman I experienced at Willie’s restaurant this week. She was angrily going off on the blindsided server because her burrito was not made to her liking. Filling the ears and the eyes of every lunch diner, she spewed ugly, biting insult. All this because of a subpar burrito. Mind you, this is the same week drenched roofs are ripped off from homes all over Florida, Texans assess the life-changing damage of receding flood waters, and our community grieves a well-loved twenty-one year old whose cancer battle culminated in his warm welcome into heaven.

“Really? A burrito?” my mind shakes her head.

Honestly, I appreciate the gift given to me by this crazed, cranky customer. Too often I am her. Self-centered stress makes me look like her.

Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you are a listener when you are anything but, letting the Word go in one ear and out the other. Act on what you hear! Those who hear and don’t act are like those who glance in the mirror, walk away, and two minutes later have no idea who they are, what they look like (James 1:22-24, MSG).
