
Good morning…

I looked more closely at the intricate nest. Sticks. Leaves. Dried grass. I noticed that the floor of the nest was made out of one large piece of light colored bark, bark I had recently seen shedding from unusually looking trees.

Three-in-one trees.

One-in-three trees.

Growing forever from the same stable root, I fondly nickname these beauties “Trinity trees.” Trinity trees shed their bark continually, much like our sustaining Creator sheds intimate, unending love for us all.


“In the mysteries of eternity past, God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit dwelled in unsurprising union and intimacy,” says Dana Candler in Deep Unto Deep. “The Holy Three have always existed as a divine dance of romance, a whirlwind of affection and pleasure and unending love.”


Candler continues: “It was from this pulsating intimacy that God created humanity and the natural order. Though we will always remain the creation, He formed humanity to enter into relationship with the Trinity, the Godhead.”


Candler concludes: “In His great mysterious heart was a desire to bring human beings into the holy river of affections known between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and share in this Divine communion with them. The Father desired a family, and the Son desired a bride. From this overflow of burning desire, humanity was brought forth.”

I want you woven into a tapestry of love, in touch with everything there is to know of God. Then you will have minds confident and at rest, focused on Christ, God’s great mystery. All the richest treasures of wisdom and knowledge are embedded in that mystery and nowhere else. And we’ve been shown the mystery! (Colossians 2:2-3, MSG).

Will we each pick up a large piece of God’s shedding love to form a firm foundation beneath us as we rest in our nest?


P.S. On this day of Sabbath rest, consider joining us for online worship at Northside Church.

8:30AM · Traditional Worship
9:45AM · Contemporary Worship
11:00AM · Traditional Worship

Join us via Facebook or our website. In-person worship is set to resume August 2 in conjunction with our online offering.