Good morning…
As I emerged from a time of deep down prayer, I noticed anew the layers of light living in our home. How often do we take time to notice the layers, the light, the power of life?
Elizabeth, a young mom of three who is undergoing intense treatment for her colon cancer, wrote something in a recent post to which I now return. She wrote: “I’ve struggled with feeling like, ‘What am I doing with my time? This is hard. This feels like a waste of my gifts to be sitting in a chair all day long.’ I love this poem by Lauren McDermott. I’ve gotten to do all of these things in recent days, not in the exact same ways that I could pre-surgery, but I’ll get back to it.”
Wasting Time by Lauren McDermott
You can’t waste time by resting, by chatting to a friend, by walking in nature or reading a book.
You can’t waste time by connecting with family or making stories to pass down.
You can’t waste time by doing anything at all that feeds your soul or energizes your weary bones.
That’s what time is for in fact, everything else is just a tick on a list my friend, a tick on a never ending list.
New layers of light shine in the room where we live.
Rest. Chat. Walk. Read.
Connect with family. Make stories to pass down.
Ask, “What feeds my soul?”
Wonder, “What energizes my weary bones?”
God whispers through Lauren and Elizabeth,
through me and through you:
“That’s what time is for, my friends.
That’s what time is for.
Everything else is just a tick on a never ending list.”
I know there is nothing better for us than to be joyful and to do good throughout our lives; to eat and drink and see the good in all of our hard work is a gift from God. I know everything God does endures for all time. Nothing can be added to it; nothing can be taken away from it. We humans can only stand in awe of all God has done (Ecclesiastes 3:12-14, VOICE).