Good morning…
Tonight is a night I have been looking forward to for a long time. At Northside Church we are hosting an important ninety minutes.
Biblical and Theological Perspectives on Human Sexuality
Presented by Dr. Kendall Soulen, Candler School of Theology
Sunday, January 26 | 5:00–6:30PM | Watson Faith & Arts Center, Northside Church, 2799 Northside Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30305
Please join us tonight for part two in our series of three conversations about the church’s view on human sexuality. Our goal is to become a better-informed congregation. We seek unity in Christ rather than unanimity of opinion. There is a place for all of us at Northside, and we seek to grow together in wisdom and truth.
Wherever you live across the globe, you may have heard in recent news that the United Methodist Church is embroiled in a soul-searching process with God on two key questions: “As a denomination, are we to ordain openly gay clergy?” and “As a denomination, should pastors be given the choice to perform same sexed marriages?” I think it is life-giving to dive deep into God’s Word so that we might come up with rich pearls of wisdom, as we follow in Jesus’ footsteps, …the Child (who) continued to grow and become strong [in spirit], filled with wisdom; and the grace (favor, spiritual blessing) of God was upon Him (Luke 2:40, AMP).
As I told you in yesterday’s post, measured by the Myers Briggs test, I have an ENFP personality and God has wired me as a NINE on the Enneagram, so I am very motivated to make peace with all sides of each issue, each person, each situation. Daily I seek to invest my whole self in unity with Christ, growing strong in Spirit, being filled with God’s wisdom and grace. Day after day, I try to be a better-informed life-long learner, so I will be fascinated by the biblical and theological perspectives God shares through Dr. Kendall Soulen tonight.
So keep at your work, this faith and love rooted in Christ… Guard this precious thing placed in your custody by the Holy Spirit who works in us (2 Timothy 1:13-14, MSG).
P.S. Tonight I will be a table host for our small group discussion. So if you live in the Atlanta area and if you are able, please come sit at my table!