Good morning…
While my husband and I were talking about the cartoon from our post yesterday, he said, “It reminds me of a commonly used sermon illustration.” He went on to ask, “When it comes to making a bacon and egg breakfast, what is the difference between the chicken and the pig? (…..Drum roll please…..) The chicken makes a contribution, the pig makes a commitment.”
This Sabbath Sunday, when I look back over our week of past posts, I see an ongoing opportunity for each of us to make a daily commitment, dying to self, living for God. Our Creator uses ordinary people, like you and like me, to nurture the needs of addicts and their families, to teach helpless orphans to sing in harmony, to give loving care to the most vulnerable, most challenging people in our midst, and to following the “bullet” points of Betsy Anderson, who spent nine decades warming up each room she ever entered.
Who wants change? Who wants to change? Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8, AMP).