Good morning…
As we savor this Sunday, some college football fans wake elated, others wake frustrated, yet all of us wake up to witness the presence God. As we harness this new habit of peering back before moving forward, we review the week we have experienced together through our everyday blog. Our focus phrase is: Witness God.
Enjoy revisiting messages you love most or catching up on blog posts you may have missed this week.
Monday: “God has shown me that the light within me cannot be extinguished,” wrote our friend Mary as she grieves the loss of her son, “but there are times when it will be faint, and other times when it will burn bright. The Holy Spirit, the light, is always there within!”
Tuesday: This moment is a key moment: this conflict is not about me and anyone else, it is about God whispering into my surrendered state: “Trust Me. Wait. Watch. Wonder. Witness My higher ways taking form in your life.”
Wednesday: Often we are blind to the ways our “helping” hurts. I will share three email exchanges fleshing out our tendency to addictively “help” without God’s consent. Why do we think we are a better savior than our Savior?
Thursday: By faith, in hope, through love, we crave the constant companionship of our Creator. Gradually we notice, step by step, our own personalized pathway up to the mountain peak of God’s higher way.
Friday: “I see my life as a witness, my spirit echoing through all eternity,” writes 92 year old Betty Skinner. “A circle full of ripples from one pebble in a pond fades unobtrusively into forever like a quiet life poured out in love.”
Saturday: “People think they come to see me,” Betty Skinner muses over lunch in Ponte Vedra, “but they really come to spend time with God.” Might the pain of aging itself be a hidden gift? When we are rubbed thin, God breaks through us better.
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses…to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8, NIV).