
Good morning…

“On the way over here,” she said as she arrived for her spiritual direction session, “I was given the image of me sitting in the chair at the eye doctor’s office. You know how you put your chin on that machine and you look through a series of lenses with the doctor asking, ‘Which is better, this or that? Do you see more clearly with number one or number two? Now with these two choices, which is clearer, this or that?’ Through a series of clarifying choices, we begin to see more and more clearly. With the right amount of strength enhancing each eye, we are eventually given the gift of 20/20 vision.”

“Over the past five years, I have been experiencing something similar in my spiritual life,” she explained. “I started out feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, trying to accomplish everything perfectly on my own strength.”

Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Put My yoke upon your shoulders—it might appear heavy at first, but it is perfectly fitted to your curves. Learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble of heart. When you are yoked to Me, your weary souls will find rest. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30, VOICE).

“Over time, I started sensing the quiet presence of God with me throughout the day,” she explained. “Gradually, I began to take mental breathers, to privately pray out my worries, my anxieties, my frustrations right when I started to get overwhelmed. When I honestly shared my daily burdens with God, I felt lighter and began to trust, ‘I am not alone in this situation.’ Now with more clarity I see that the Spirit of God is in me, around me, going before me, and walking beside me at all times. From the inside out, I am strengthen to do hard things with less stress.”

“I have learned to begin each morning asking the Lord, ‘What are we going to accomplish together today?'” she admitted. “Then I relax into the day. I feel mysteriously guided. I often catch myself saying, ‘Okay, God, what’s next? Should we do this or do that?’ Throughout the day, I really try to breathe slowly and move in step with God’s Spirit, walking in love, enjoying God’s peace. In surprising ways, I feel the love and the peace of God naturally expanding out into my normal interactions.”

“I am amazed at everything that gets done in a day, miraculously, almost effortlessly, because my choices are being made in sync with the Spirit,” she concluded. “As I go at God’s pace, I feel like my eyesight is changing. With more and more clarity, I see God at work in unexpected ways.”

Later in the day she texted me: “Loved today! Thank you. And ironically, check out my teabag!!!


“God is everywhere,” she texted. “Echoing our conversation. I love it.”

Now, steeping in the love of God as we watch the metaphor of the YouTube video below, what truth might you see more clearly as you consider your own expanding spiritual life?
