Good morning…
I will facilitate our first class this afternoon, kicking off our Fall 2018 semester. God usually coaxes me to teach a random, deep-seeded read, a book that never hopes to be a New York Times bestseller. For some reason it was extra hard to discern God’s pick for this particular season. I was drawn to a handful of tantalizing titles, and, as usual, I read through the first two or three chapters of about five or six books. And then it happened. God grabbed me with these introductory words from Paula D’Arcy Seeking God With All My Heart, making His top choice known. (Paula uses the symbol of a “gathering table” while I use the symbol of our “living room.”)
“In the living room, friends learn to speak aloud thoughts, feelings, and questions that fill our hearts.” (11)
“When we meet face to face, each one of us confesses that we really need soul friends more than we want to discuss books.” (11)
“Ground rules in the living room are that honest feelings and thoughts are to be expressed and respected.” (12)
“Something was drawing all of us together. Could we reach past our very divergent backgrounds, different lifestyles, and distinct paths in order to find a common heart and soul? Only personal authenticity and commitment would take us there, and only great respect would allow space enough for our disagreements and doubts, as well as for points of remarkable convergence.” (12-13)
“A verse in Jeremiah promises that God, though seemingly elusive, will be found when ‘You search for me with all of your heart.'” (13)
“I have held words from Scripture deep within, allowing new meaning and new questions to emerge not only from study, but also from the depths of my life experience. I’ve learned to listen, and I have become unafraid to explore.” (13)
Together we will be “peering out from a circle of quiet in order to experience the force of words that are intended to draw us toward life.” (14)
“Together we experience life. What does Scripture speak to, if not to life? Doesn’t Scripture incubate the words meant to propel us toward new life and changed vision? The incubation is like fire. And new sight is worth braving the flame.” (15)
How meaningful it will be to incubate together in our living room this semester. As always, I will blog about fresh wisdom we collaboratively learn, week by week. It is certainly worth braving the refining fire as we fan into flame the gift of God (2 Timothy 1:6, NIV).