Good morning…
As I allowed the second COVID vaccine to settle into my body, I pulled out the 3 x 5 card my longtime friend gave me at our birthday season lunch. I quietly ground myself in these seven key questions to see what God grows.
7 Questions to Journal About from NY Times article via Austin Kleon
- What’s one thing you made this year?
- Did you have any bad ideas this year?
- What is the moment from this year that you will always remember?
- What art have you turned to in this time?
- Did you find a friendship that helped you through this time?
- If you’d known that you’d be isolated for so long, what would you have done differently?
- What do you want to achieve before things return to normal?
Which of these questions intrigue you the most? Yielding to the grace of our limitless first love, take time to capture in your gut or on paper any fresh insights stirring within your innermost being.
As we notice divine intimacy with the living Christ increasing in us, may we each whisper with our own voice, “Because of his words, my joy is complete and overflows! It is necessary for him to increase and for me to decrease” (John 3:29b-30, TPT). “Or,” says the footnote for verse thirty, “He is destined to become greater, and I must be pruned.”
If you feel compelled by the Spirit, please share with me any fresh insights rising up as you explore with God these seven key questions.