
Good morning…

After the second week of our Enneagram class, I got an email from a very good friend. “Sue, I thought you might want to read where the Enneagram originated. Also google Sufi. I just wasn’t sure if you knew this. Pray and see if this is something the Lord wants you to be involved with. Love you and will see you soon.”

After praying as she suggested and reading the link she provided, I felt drawn to email back the following response.


Should I Be Teaching The Enneagram? By Sue Allen

The Enneagram has a very rich history, as the article you shared outlines. Christian mystics, the desert fathers, early contemplative followers of Jesus have used this tool to track people’s maturing growth into Christlikeness.

My first connection to the Enneagram was through 93-year-old Betty Skinner and her journey up from clinical depression to the peak of holistic health chronicled in Crenshaw and Snapp’s book, The Hidden Life. Betty is a modern day, Christian mystic who spent years studying Julian of Norwich, Thomas Merton, and other contemplative writers who encourage us to dive deep into oneness with God to awaken our True Self, unlocking fresh spiritual gifts to share with the world. After teaching this holy book in our living room a few times, I felt compelled to meet Betty and the authors in Ponte Vedra, Florida. These loving, life-giving friendships have grown amazing gifts in my daily life. I have Betty Skinner’s notes on the Enneagram from the years when she taught spiritual direction retreats in Cashiers, North Carolina. I teach from these notes, and God has grown through me a hands-on model depicting our spiritual growth. As we each grow in authenticity and support others to grow into their God-given True Self, together we become the colorful body of Christ on earth.

My two year spiritual direction training program through Richmont Graduate University used the Enneagram as a key tool to measure people’s process of spiritual formation, maturing in Christlikeness through spiritual disciplines and deep inner work. I have found the Enneagram very helpful personally as I reflect on the way God is growing my spiritual gifts for eternal purposes, inviting me to witness God’s transformational power. This tool provides a great way for me to notice when I am leaning into God wholeheartedly and when I am leaning way from God into old, self-protective patterns.

Our oldest son’s church just hosted an Enneagram conference which my husband and I attended, a training teaching us how our unique personalities impact our marital dance, as we grow into the people we are hardwired by God to become. I have received many invites to other local churches offering Enneagram classes, which feel very fertile and life-giving to me and our community.

I have found the Enneagram to be a very helpful tool, personally, maritally, as we best parent our one-of-a-kind young adults. I have seen the wisdom of the Enneagram grow in Betty Skinner’s life. Her own spiritual journey is now informing the cutting edge work of author and dear friend Dr. Cathy Snapp, who is developing a comprehensive, “whole person” medical model based on these concepts. I truly believe, “Things of God grow organically overtime.” I have seen the Enneagram as a tool in the hands of God growing beautiful things in my life and in the life of people I love.

I appreciate you asking the hard question living in your heart, “Sue, are you sure you should be teaching the Enneagram?” I have given you my long answer, but my short answer is this: “Yes, my friend, with the help of God.”

What thoughts does my response bring to life in you?


And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns (Philippians 1:6, NLT).


P.S. After two weeks of Rev. Catherine Boothe Olson teaching the basics of the Enneagram, today and next Monday I will bring to life the practical Enneagram model God is growing through me. If you live in the area and are available, feel free to join us in the Fellowship Hall from 12:00 to 1:30 pm at Northside Church (2799 Northside Dr NW, Atlanta, GA 30305) today and/or next week. The more the merrier.