
Good morning…

Yesterday morning I clicked on the small lamp beside my guest bed to see my shorthaired Betty angel holding a tiny red leaf from our holy hike up the North Carolina mountain to lay to final rest the ashes of our spiritual mentor. I checked my phone to read 7:23. Instead of writing a blog post, I savored the gift of sleeping in then stepping out to admire the sky.


Hearing footsteps above, I took my Betty angel up to the top porch to join pajama clad Cathy Snapp. As together we watched the sun slowly rise, Cathy read a sacred passage from the book she had co-authored about Betty’s exquisite journey through life, The Hidden Life Awakened. Here is a portion of the restorative reading.

“All people are God’s people and I simply had to welcome them in love,” Cathy read Betty’s thoughts from page 144. “The heart of God and the heart of the suffering world are the same. These truths were moving me toward wholeness. I was becoming an integrated, whole person totally dependent on and in love with the Giver of Love. When the Giver of Love becomes the Receiver of Love, the movement from bondage to freedom is complete. The moment I actualized this gift, I was free: free to go forth in the fullness of gratitude. I understood this and was standing at last on solid ground, in the now that never passes away.”

Savoring the gift of sleeping in then stepping out to enjoy the sky, we are all invited by the Giver of Love to experience the gift of waking up.

Wake up and strengthen whatever you have left, teetering on the brink of death, for I’ve found that your works are far from complete in the eyes of my God. So remember what you received and heard. Hold on to it and change your hearts and lives (Revelation 3:2-3a, CEB).

