
Good morning…

“Good morning,” she began. “The posts this week have really resonated with me and the place that I am working through in my life. I am struggling to quiet the voices in my head and truly be open to hear God’s word for me. I have a number of complicated relationships at the moment where I am unsure of next steps. I worry about the difference between being still and listening for God’s gentle nudges (that I value so much) and understanding the difference between being still and doing nothing. I fear at times I stay in one place too long, paralyzed, not moving when God actually nudges.”

She continued: “I have felt God’s presence in many ways recently so I do not feel like I am out of touch with Him, as I have been in other times in my life. Trusting God’s timing and answers right now is harder than I want it to be. A good friend said to me the other day that sometimes when relationships all come to a head at the same time it can be an opportunity for healing, so I am trying to stay in this space of uncertainly and discomfort and hear His word. You have been a precious voice each morning as I remember to trust Him. Hugs to you.”

“Remembering to trust God is the key,” I candidly replied. “Definitely a daily struggle for all of us as we seek to follow the lead of an illusive, invisible God. We need to remind one another of the amazing ways God has spoken to us in the past, comforting us in sorrow, strengthening us when we believe the lie, “I simply cannot go on.” Believing together that the God of the universe is right here and right now, we can better discern the voice of the Spirit guiding our ordinary lives. To that end, may I share your beautiful words anonymously?”

God speaks in different ways, and we don’t always recognize his voice (Job 33:14, CEV).
