Good morning…
Two Fridays ago loved ones packed the place, celebrating the life of a young man who died on his nineteenth birthday. Friends and family members shared stories, tearful and touching, funny and full-of-life. One of the minsters urged us to trust this truth: “Nothing is lost that love remembers.” The other minister, my husband, told the story of a little girl who climbed in bed with her mom during a terrifying storm, reminding us that God is always with us, but “sometimes we just need someone with skin on.” Now we all have the opportunity to become “God with skin on” to this mourning family and these grieving friends.
Driving home from the funeral, we had one of those meaningful conversations we could never pre-plan. We talked about the pain of suffering so many in our community are currently experiencing. We both agreed. None of us gets anywhere asking: “Why?” or “But how?” or “What if only?” Our only path forward is: “What next?”
As I wake on the morning of another unexpected funeral, one laying to rest a young dad-son-friend-husband who died suddenly on Christmas Eve, I remind myself of three important truths.
- “Nothing is lost that love remembers.”
- We who live on are granted the privilege of becoming “someone with skin on” to those in pain.
- “What next?” inspires each of us to find creative ways to share the love of God.
God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us (2 Corinthians 1:3b-4 (NLT).