Good morning…
He slipped these handwritten words into my mailbox, then followed up by text.
“Sue, as we wake on what would have been the 95th birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., I wanted to share one of my favorite quotes from Dr. King: ‘Everyone must decide whether to walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.’ Elegant simplicity – we all have a choice. If only people would study (and live) the teachings of Jesus Christ and Dr. King, the world would be in a far, far better place. And the great thing is, it’s not too late to do it!”
We must decide a million times a day. Walk in the light or hide in the darkness? Grow creative or be destructive? Practice altruism or sink into selfishness? Jesus and Dr. King show us what it looks like to share God’s light, to live creatively, to develop the art of altruism, generously helping others.
“Please pray for the legacy and hope offered by MLK,” another friend texted, “and for our nation as we enter the primaries. We need to usher in hope.”
That hope is real and true, an anchor to steady our restless souls, a hope that leads us back behind the curtain to where God is (Hebrews 5:19, VOICE). Steadying our restless souls, how might we make each decision from where God is?
The great thing is, it’s not too late to do it!
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