
Good morning…

In the guiding light of this Passover full moon, we sift through many layers of experience.

Tonight my husband Steve and I shared a decade changing birthday celebration with one of the men who went on our Israel 2023 trip. A few people from our group shared in this special evening. The life-changing experience of traveling together – learning, growing, bonding – will forever shape us all in profound and lasting ways. The night was abuzz with gratitude that we experienced Israel when we did, before the brutal attack on October 7th, before tourism totally shut down, before the horrible plight of the hostages and the Palestinian people became a magnet for our deepest prayers.

Since Steve began his chaplain work at The Lovett School in 1995, global travel has been an important part of the learning he has facilitated with students and their families. Some of our favorite memories made with our own kids came from mission trips to the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Guatemala, Peru, to name a few. The annual trip to Israel (which has pivoted to Greece/Turkey this year) has been such a huge hit with the students that, six years ago, Steve began leading adult trips to the Holy Land. Now passing the torch to the next head chaplain in the fall, Steve will remain working full time at Lovett, expanding his passion for global engagement and developing a robust trip program for interested adults in our community and beyond.


Click here or the image above for the flyer.

As we unveil the trips being planned, might you consider joining us on one or more of these global adventures?

Please reach out to Steve personally,, to express your interest and to ask your questions. We also invite you to a Lovett Expeditions Trip Information Call this Sunday at 5pm EST on Zoom. Contact Steve for Zoom link. This is a great way to hear more about the 2024 trips (Tanzania, Camino, Patagonia) and to get all of your specific questions answered. Steve will be hosting this call along with a team from Beyond Adventures.

Your life is a journey you must travel with a deep consciousness of God (1 Peter 1:18, MSG). Why not explore the globe with other cool people, as God expands your own lifelong learning? We would love for you to be a part of Steve’s big adventure.
